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Saturday 7 October 2017


OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not thank anyone whose reading this enough. This is an achievement that means the actual world to me. Thank you so much!!!

Ok laters!

Saturday 23 September 2017

Oh god.... (Alternate title : The most random post on the internet

Oh my lord how long has it been since i posted on this Damn blog?! It sure damn feels like an eternity. Look at me. Damn damn damn damn damn. I say damn a lot now. Bleep. i don't know at all. Idk

Ok Laters!

Edit: Oh my god I just realised how close this blog is to 2000 page views. :>

Monday 5 June 2017

2 year blogiversarry

Waddup people of the internet!
I just have one thing to say...

Okay. Freaked out a bit there. I'll get to the point now


I can't believe that this blog has been a thing for 2. whole. years. So to celebrate, Let's review what this blog has achieved (which isn't much, but I'm doing this anyways.)

1. We got 1,000 pageviews - Most of them are probably me, but it happened!

2. We reached 50 posts! (not a big thing, but anyway)

That's all I can think of, but anyways


Tuesday 30 May 2017

To Do Tuesday : Can't Sleep

Waddup people of the internet! So I've had a LONG break from this blog, but I'm back now! Soooooooooooooooooooooooo (How many times do I say 'so' in my posts) I'm sure at least some people can relate to the following statement... how can I put this..... I CAN NEVER SLEEP EVER!!!

Here's what to do when you can't sleep
1. Listen to music
2. Learn a meditation off by heart - I never really liked to listen to a meditation through my headphones while trying to go to sleep, so I memorise a meditation during the day. 
Ok Laters

Saturday 6 May 2017


Waddup people of the internet! Same excuse as always, I haven't had access to a computer for a loooong time. Any who, I have nothing else to say, so yeah.


Wednesday 19 April 2017

NOT Weird Story Wednesday

Waddup people of the internet! I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting, I haven't had access to a computer. Anyways, I'm changing the whole 'Weird Story Wednesday' thing to 'Weird Wednesday' where I just tell you random things. I'm not doing it today of course, but I will do Weekly Updates tomorrow. Also, weir story was not true so yeah, No-one voted but anyways!


Wednesday 12 April 2017

I'm bored

Soooo... I'm super bored, so I'm going to try typing dobby is a free elf with my eyes closed.

  1. Doubt is a free eld
  2. dove us a few wdk
  3. Doubt is a free eld
  4. Dobbr is a free elf
  5. bobby ud   s fjee ekf/
  6. dobbt id s free elf
  7. sivvt id a free elf
  8. dove (I accidentally opened my eyes)
  9. Doubt is a free eld
  10. Doubt is a free elf
  11. dobby is a free elf
So this proves I cannot touch type
If you don't click ahead, laters!

Weird Story Wednesday 1

Hois! Sorry I haven't been posting lately, my alarm has been off for some reason. So, I decided for Weird Story Wednesday I'm going to put up a Poll and run it for a day, to determine if the story was real or fake,and on Thursday's post, I'll tell if it was real or fake. So yeah! ON WITH THE POST!!

Monday 3 April 2017

Guess who's back?

Heyooooo! Sorry for not posting lately I've been a little stressed so I decided not to post for a while. BTW i deleted HPH (Harry Potter Happiness) and Little K's Calandar. (I also had the Paul Jarman workshop Yesterday and the day before) I promise, I am going to post now. Voice inside me "Little K, don't make promises you can't keep" I might post regularly now!


Thursday 23 March 2017

To Do Tuesday: In the car (road trips)

Waddup people of the internet! I'm so sorry that I didn't post last week. If you looked at the first post on Little K's Calendar, that explains why I didn't post. So  yeah! To Do In the Car!

Listen to Music - If you have some sort of device that you can play music on, then do it!

sleep - This depends If you're driving and how long you sleep for. 

EEEAAAATTTT - I like eating. I'm hungry.

Just sit there

Ok So that's it your still probably gunna be bored on a road trip

(Sorry that this post is late AND it's on thursday, but still)


Friday 10 March 2017

ANOTHER NEW BLOG? (enough already)

Waddup people of the internet! To begin this post I'd just like to say sorry for not posting on Thursday, I'll do a make-up post on Little K Stories. Anyway, i'm making ANOTHER new blog called Little K's Calendar and I'll just post what's happening in my life and stuff so yeah.


Thursday 2 March 2017

DIY - Nail Random...Things.

Waddup people of the internet! i should really start calling these post Life hack Thursday cause  I got more of life hack today that a diy. I got like, 2 though so...

  1. Gradient Nails - Now I'm sure you have heard this one before, but for gradient nails, you put you nail polish on a sponge in a gradient kinda way, and put it on yo nails!
  2. Nail border - Is it just me or do you always mess up your nails by paint on the skin around your nails. What boy can do is put tape around your nail that your painting and just... PAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTT 

Tuesday 28 February 2017

How to Meditate

Waddup people of the Internet AGAIN! So in todays post I said I'd make a post on how to meditate so here ya go. Oh, also I got this from so yeah. (BTW, I was not sponsored by headspace in any way, I just find their meditating curriculum really good)

  1. Sit there, controlling your breathing for 1 minute
  2. After the minute, with the next exhale, close your eyes
  3. Start to count your breaths 1 in, 2 out, 3 in, 4 out. When you get to ten, start back at one
  4. After about 2 minutes start letting any sounds and /or thoughts. Let your brain do whatever it wants to.
  5. Now start scanning down your body and check in with how your body is feeling.
  6. Back to step 3! (skip all steps below step three)
  7. When you're ready, open your eyes.
So that's that.

Laters! (Again)

To Do Tuesday: Feeling Stressed

Waddup people of the internet! Today I'll be telling you what to do when you're stressed. Gooooo! *laughs super awkwardly*

  1. Meditate-The best thing you can do when you're stressed is meditate and I'll do a post on how to meditate properly in case you didn't know how.
  2. Take a shower - When I take a shower I just feel really relaxed afterwards. (I hope I'm not the only one on that...)
  3. Breathe - Now I know nobody on the internet knows this but I have anxiety and I have a lot of anxiety attacks. If you've experienced an Anxiety attack (which you probably have) you will know it's probably the worst feeling ever. When I have an anxiety attack at school I just tell myself to control my breathing, and I have a certain breathing pace that works for me. 
  4. It's Gonna be ok! - When you're feeling stressed another great thing to do is just tell yourself that it's going to be fine! It helps you realise that what you're stressing about is usually not that big of a deal.
So there's another really bad post for y'all. See ya on Thursday! (Probably not)


Thursday 23 February 2017

ANOTHER new blog?

Waddup people of the internet AGAIN!! so I quickly wanted to let you know that I'm going to start a blog called Harry Potter Happiness (I haven't read all the books yet) and it's pretty self explanatory. The posts on there will be on Saturdays I'll do a first post today so yeah.

Ohh! Also, this is the 50th post on this blog! How cool is that!?

Laters! (again)

DIY: Quill

Waddup people of the internet! Today I have a little post for you, and like any other diy posts it won't be very long so meh.

1 feather (real or fake)
1 pen
1 pair of scissors (for 1 only)
Tape (for 2 only)

Okay, so there are two ways to do this DIY.

  1. So get your feather and cut the tip off. Take off the outside of the pen and put it inside the feather. That's it.
  2. Get your pen, take off the outside and the tip. Put the tape on the end of the tube to make sure it doesn't leak. Dip your feather in the ink/pen whenever you need to. 
ok laters!

Tuesday 21 February 2017

To Do Tuesday: When your friends aren't with you.

Waddup people of the internet! Before we get into the post, I just wanna say Happy Birthday to my sister's dog, Wynston, the mini fox who is now 2 years old! Happy Birthday Wynst! Ok onto the post:

Friday 17 February 2017

New blog?

Waddup people of the internet! So... I decided to start a new blog cause I want share the stories I make. So yeah! Go check it out! In case you're wondering I will still post on this blog and follow the schedule at stuff! it's called Little K Stories


Song of the day: Fight Song by Rachel Platten

Thursday 16 February 2017

DIY : Airport neck pillow.

Waddup people of the intermet! Today I am going to Show you a little neck pillow thingamabobijigal. It's more of a life hack than a DIY... but still!

You will need:
1 towel

SO literally all you have to do is Roll the towel up. Yeah.


Song of the day: Ignored by Ryan Higa

Tuesday 14 February 2017

To do Tuesday : Boredom

Waddup people of the internet! today will be my first post regarding the school schedule. So let's do it! Shoutout to Love my Dollies for some ideas in this post. It was a very long time ago, but it is there. (I...think.)

So todays topic for To Do Tuesday is Boredom. So I have some ideas for what to do when you are bored.

1. You can try reading all my posts.
 Yes, they are pretty bad, and most of them are me apologizing for not posting so...

2. You can try to do a craft project, or a diy video
You can search up stuff on the internet.. (like is said my posts are really bad)

3. Start a blog or youtube channel.
Cause that would keep you out f boredom for AGES.

Just don't.

5. Try Exercising!
You can look up Blogilaties on Youtube, cause she is really good.

Soooooo... I can't come up with any other ideas, so I guess that's it?


Song of the day: All my Love - by Major Lazer and Ariana Grande

Sunday 12 February 2017


Wow. Can someone please tell me how many times I have named a post "Sorry" MY LAST POST WAS LITERALLY THAT!!!!!!!!

Ok... Calm Down...

I am sincerely sorry for how many times I've missed a day of posting.I am literally going to make a reminder that says "POST ON BLOG NOW OR YOU'LL HAVE NO VIEWERS!!!!" Ok I'm out


Sunday 15 January 2017


Waddup people of the internet, I just want to say sorry for not posting last week, I've been really busy with random stuff so yeah, I'll try to post more consistently this year


Monday 9 January 2017

Harry Potter Happiness : Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone SPOILER ALERT. A summary is included.

Waddup people of the internet Today I'll be doing exactly what i did in this post
Except HP style!

In Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts, he meets all his friends (Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, ect) and enemies(Draco Malfoy, Crab, Goyle, ect). He meets his teachers, the most important teacher (at the time) being Professor Quirrell, the defence against the dark arts teacher, because at the end of the year, Harry finds Professor Quirrell is being possessed by Lord Voldemort, the most evil wizard in the entire wizarding world, and Voldemort is trying to get the Philosopher's stone to become immortal. In the end, Harry stops Voldemort, who melts (I think, It's been ages since I read it), and Hogwarts is safe again.

My ratings
The Philosopher's Stone wasn't the best book in the series, but it isn't the worst

97 / 100

Friday 6 January 2017

Fan Fic Friday - After Harry Potter

So... It's been a while since I last posted a Fan Fic... I've only ever posted 1 fan pic and kept updating it! So yeah. Imma do a HP one!

Chapter 1 - 6th of January 2017

Lily slowly advanced into her daughter, Rachel's room. She found that the light was off, and Rachel was sleeping. Lily smiled and went back to her own room.

The next day

"RACHEL!" Lily shouted "BREAKFAST BEFORE WE HEAD TO KING'S CROSS" Rachel had received her acceptance letter into Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a few months back. Today she was going to King's Cross Station to catch the train on platform 9 3\4 to get to Hogwarts. Rachel pulled on some Jeans and a T-Shirt, made sure all of her things where in her trunk, checked on her owl, named after her grandmother, Ginny Weasley, (Ginny was quite young) and shouted back "Coming!" Once everyone had breakfast, everyone headed downstairs and it took Rachel's Father, Aiden, approximately 20 minutes to figure out how to start the car, then they headed to King's Cross.

Chapter 2 - 16th of February 2017

Rachel looked around is fascination. King's Cross station was probably the most beautiful place she had ever seen. Then she saw it. This time 37 years ago, her Grandfather had asked Molly Weasley how to get to platform 9 3/4 and met her Great uncle Ron Weasley (or something like that) the pillar that separated platforms nine and ten "Good luck!" said Aiden and Lily together. With that Rachel lined herself up with the pillar and ran straight for it.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

1,000 PAGEVEIWS!!!!!

TODAY WE GOT 1,000 PAGEVIEWS!!!! Thank you so much for 1,000 page views. I know, pageveiws may not be a big deal for you guys, and I should be freaking out about followers (which I have none) but pageveiws mean just as much to me as followers to you.


Sunday 1 January 2017

Second Schedule

Waddup people of the internet! Ok. Sooooo... my first schedule didn't work out very well, did it? So I decided to make 2 new schedules: A Holiday schedule and a term schedule (for school terms). So during Holidays I will follow the holiday schedule and during school terms I will (try) to follow the school schedule. They are as follows:

Holiday schedule:

Harry Potter Happiness!
So instead of Undertale time it's now Harry Potter Happiness

Top 5 Tuesday
Ok I know I just can't stop doing it.

Weird story Wednesday
I'll tell you a weird thing that happened to me, whether it's made up or true

Weekly Updates
I will still do a monthly updates at the end of each month.

Fan Fic Friday
Please refer to Tuesday

Saturday & Sunday
Life updates and / or random stuff☺

Starts on the 9th of January 2017

School Schedule

no post

To do Tuesday
I'll tell you something you can do in different scenarios e.g.: to Do Tuesday: Boredom
That post will be what to do if your bored. 😜

no post

I'll do the diy thing again...

If I want to post I will and I may continue a Fan Pic from the holidays

Saturday & Sunday
Possible Weekly Updates and Accomplishments?

Starts January 30th 2017

Hi 2017!!!

HHHHAAAAAPPPPYYYY NNNNEEEEWWW YYEEEAAARRRR!!!! (at least if you live in Australia) TOLDJA!!! Waddup people and welcome to the first post of 2017! I hope you all had a GREAT 2016 and I'M SOOO TERRIFIED D: So...

LATERS SEE YA NEXT YEAR! nah just kidding see you next month...or week... or... Just gimme a break ok? XD